Mobile &Home Electronics 手机配件及家庭电器  

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Showing 1 - 9 of 27 items
  • RM170.00
    Looking for CCTV that secure your home day and night? Looking for CCTV that support two way audio connection? Looking for CCTV that easy to use and install? Our [ 360 WIFI CCTV ] will definitely serve you the best !!! *** Best in protecting your family members and home. *** 看家!看店!看厂!看到完!为何你需要它呢? 担心员工偷东西,吃蛇? 担心晚上下班后店铺/家里进贼? 担心出远门,没人看家? 担心女佣,保姆对家人不利?...
  • RM220.00
    Looking for a CCTV that is able to secure your home/shop 24/7? Looking for a CCTV that is easy to use and install? Our latest [ VR CCTV ] is definitely your best choice !!! *** Best in protecting your family members and home/shop ***
  • RM230.00
    Had you ever coped with this kind of situations? 1. Insurance Fraud 2. Road Bully 3. Hit and Run Looking for a solution to settle all the problems above? Our Latest WD Car Recorder is ready to help you !!! 正在找 Full-HD的行车记录仪吗? 遇到过自己退车撞到你车前面的贱人然后再叫你赔钱的人吗? 买到烂行车记录仪捕捉不到车牌和脸过吗? 保险公司没有证据而耍赖吗? 我们亲自挑选质量最高,价钱最公道的行车记录仪来让大家立刻解决这些烦恼!!
  • RM78.00
    Don't like wired charging? Wanted something more advanced? The [Wireless Charger] will definitely fulfill your demand~ What is wireless charging? Concept: The wireless power transfers through Electromagnetic Induction. The power reaches the device through the use of electromagnetic field. Principle: The Qi Sender(Charging Station) transfers the energy to...
  • RM110.00
    Too many to store but too little space available? Worse still, device's memory is not expandable? Don't worry, there is definitely a solution for this~ Here you go, the OTG USB is always your best companion! But wait, what is OTG? 大家有没有常常遇到手机储存太多照片和资料 手机变得很慢或者手机坏了,被抢了照片和资料全都不见了怎么办? 不怕!现在有了这款USB储存器, 可以直接从电话,电脑转移资料和照片在里面哦!
  • RM70.00
    美国LuMee会发光的手机拍照补光灯保护胶壳 + Powerbank (1,000 mAh)到马来西亚啦!!!!! 电话款式: iPhone: 5/5s, 6/6s , 6+/6s+Samsung : 6 Edge +*****现货*****废话不多说,首批到马!!!开卖啦!!!!!!!!!!!电话款式目前只有苹果5, 6 和 6+, 三星 6 edge+而已。其他电话款式的暂时抱歉啦!我们尽快筹够本钱为大家开模具!!!有兴趣的赶快PM我们的代理哦!存货有限!!!!
  • RM92.00
    Looking for a table clock? Looking for a mini CCTV for self-protection? How about combining them into one? Our [Table Clock CCTV] works as a clock and CCTV at the same time.  *** Grab one before it is too late ***
  • Limited special offer
    RM550.00 RM600.00 -RM50.00
    Reduced price!
    100%正版台湾 Pringo随身相片打印机到马来西呀啦!
  • RM150.00
Showing 1 - 9 of 27 items

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